“Drop and Swap” — Tax-Friendly Handling of a Dissolving LLC’s Real Property
A common LLC problem: LLC members are ready to call it quits on the LLC and divide their interests in the LLC’s real property. Some members…
A common LLC problem: LLC members are ready to call it quits on the LLC and divide their interests in the LLC’s real property. Some members…
Limited liability companies (LLCs) are a popular modern form of business entity celebrated for their ease of implementation and informality. Despite the enactment of uniform legislation…
Today’s post focuses on a thorny issue arising from the LLC Jungle — can derivative claims be pursued on behalf of a dissolved or cancelled LLC?…
Many California-based LLC managers and members are lured by the potential benefits of forming the LLC under the laws of a jurisdiction outside of California. Delaware…
Most LLC Operating Agreements contain a provision describing the “purpose” of the business. These “purpose statements” can be extremely broad and open-ended, parroting the boilerplate language…
Not much, really. While the entity’s form and structure morph to an LLC, the rights and liabilities of the entity are generally unaffected. Under California’s statutes…
LLCs are celebrated for allowing business partners to freely define their relationship by contract — i.e., the LLC operating agreement. The operating agreement generally covers all…
The LLC Jungle blog is kicking off with a look back at the top LLC-related posts from its companion blog, Money and Dirt. The “Seven Critical…
The LLC Jungle blog is coming in October 2018! The blog will cover developments in California law governing limited liability companies — the increasingly popular form…